I'm interrupting our Guest Review Month one more time for some early 2010 DC Comics collected solicitations for your comics library:
Final Crisis Aftermath
* Final Crisis Aftermath: Run
* Final Crisis Aftermath: Dance
* Final Crisis Aftermath: Ink
* Final Crisis Aftermath: Escape
- For those of you waiting for the trade to add Final Crisis to your bookshelf, all the spin-off mini-series are on their way.
* Superman: New Krypton Vol. 3: James Robinson
* Superman: Mon-El Vol. 1
* Superman: Nightwing and Flamebird Vol. 1
- The headline here is that New Krypton will run three volumes in hardcover before we see the various titles split into their own collections. In this case, here's Greg Rucka's run on Action Comics (and added, Superman: Mon-El, currently listed by mistake as from Vertigo on Amazon. This lists Richard Donner as one of the authors, suggesting it does indeed contain a story from a recent Action Comics annual).
* Batman R.I.P. SC
* Batman: Heart of Hush
* Oracle: The Cure
- Batman RIP and Heart of Hush both make their softcover debuts here, along with Oracle: The Cure, which I hope includes the final issues of Birds of Prey.
DC Universe
* The Flash: Rebirth
* Solomon Grundy
* JSA: Strange Adventures
* R.E.B.E.L.S.: The Coming of Starro
* Brave and the Bold Vol. 3: Dragons and Demons
* Batman: King Tut's Tomb
* Titans: Old Friends
* Strange Adventures
* Hardware: The Man in the Machine
* The Last Days of Animal Man
- New debut collections include R.E.B.E.L.S.; Titans: Old Friends finally comes out in softcover; glad to see Jim Starlin's Strange Adventures and Last Days of Animal Man both in one volume, not two; Batman: King Tut's Tomb reprints Batman Confidential #26-28, if not more; Hardware continues DC's new printings of the Milestone series.
Special Collections
* Starman Omnibus Vol. 4
* Hitman Vol. 2: Ten Thousand Bullets
* Justice League International Vol. 4
- New volumes of Starman and Hitman should make readers happy.
What are you most looking forward to next season?
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